Brooke boat B26/117
Original Cabin Layout as seen at Jalsea Marine 1996
‘Brooke Boat 26 - from original 1910 Flush-Deck design to Previous Low Cabin introduced under Admiralty Contract CP4443/12 as used on Torpedo Range at Loch Long.
One bright spring morning in 1996, I decided to take David Brown and “Smuggler” out of Jalsea pool and up the cut onto the River Weaver. Cruising at about five-knots we nudged the throttle up to Six knots. I instantly felt the bow lift to confirm “Smuggler’s” original design as a very early Racing Boat!
David Brown also remarked that Jack’s Bevan’s boat (with it’s two large marine motors) could never match the speed of “Smuggler’s” single screw marine motor, which at the time was a 4-Cyl 28h.p. Henry Meadows Kittiwake Marine Motor. As we turned about to head back into Jalsea Marine, we impishly ‘inched’ the throttle to confirm how “Smuggler’s” bow would rise onto the plane at the drop of a hat! Our experiment was a success and confirmed that “Smuggler” was designed as an early speedboat.
For “Smuggler’s” final lay-up, we took her to “Middle Brooke Marine” where Master Craftsman Colin Wood re-instated her flush-deck as per her original design. This lay-up was split into two parts, firstly to remove the cabin and secondly, to re-finish her main deck!
However, it would take an enormous amount of work if “Smuggler” was to reach Beaulieu in time for the Coastal Motor Boat Event in 2006 and I remain to this day indebted to Colin Wood for his perseverance and complete commitment to this final lay-up. A special mention for my wonderful wife Anne, our two boys Adam and Mathew and our daughter Ellie, without them I would not have been able to complete this task.
Personal thanks also to my late parents - Jim & Joyce Clements, without whom none of this could ever have materialised.
Smuggler B26/117
New Coamings under Construction
by Colin Wood at
Middle-Brook Marine
Smuggler B26/117
Steamed Mahogany about 117’s Chain & Cable Gear and low access Cabin-door.
Colin Wood at Middle-Brook
Smuggler B26/117
New Oak Deck-Beams and Hatch openings appropriately positioned and fitted by Steve Mills, Mills Dockyard, Long Eaton
Steve also removed “Smuggler’s” previous cabin to reinstate B26/117’s original form.
Smuggler B26/117
Marine Plywood Cut & Bonded
to “Smuggler’s” fore-deck.
Fitted by Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
Smuggler B26/117
Marine Plywood screwed and
bonded to “Smuggler’s” fore-deck.
Fitted by Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
Smuggler B26/117
Teak Margin boards and King planks for “Smuggler’s “main-deck, hatch and margin boards
Fitted by Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
Smuggler B26/117
Steaming Font and Side Coamings
into “Smuggler’s” Well-deck.
Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine,
Smuggler B26/117
Bonding of Teak Planking to
”Smuggler’s” fore-deck
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine,
View on “Smuggler’s” Fw’d
Well-deck, Bulkhead, Helm & Cabin door
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
View looking Aft in “Smuggler’s”
engine room. RH underside Battery Box & Electrical services behind back-rest / access panel Bulkhead, Helm & Cabin door with
Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
View looking Fwd towards “Smuggler’s” engine room
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
“Smuggler’s” Aft-Deck and
Bulkhead laid in Teak.
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
Margin-boards edged using
Steamed Oak.
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
All Margin-boards edged
using Steamed Oak.
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
All Margin-boards edged using Steamed Oak.
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
All Margin-boards edged
using Steamed Oak.
with Colin Wood
at Middle-Brook Marine
All hands on deck (and well-deck) for finishing!
During varnishing of coamings and
Well-deck Bulkheads, fore and aft.
Engine bearers also primed for painting. Tele-flex Control Cables re-installed and correctly tensioned.
As above.
Second coat of paint applied in the dark!
Final Finishing just to do…
Cowl for Cooling the Engine Below
Francis Searchlight Mk1
View on “Smuggler’s” Aft Deck looking Fwd.
Margin Boards, King Planks, hatches and fw’d coamings Stripped and Re-Varnished using 5 coats of International Varnish.
With Only the Hull to Varnish
Topside View at Beaulieu 2006
Rear Fenders, Rubbing Band, Cleats and Fuel Vent
B26/ML117 “Smuggler” on arrival at Beaulieu, 2006
B26/ML117 “Smuggler” with fully dressed flush deck at Beaulieu, 2006 (ii)
B26/ML117 “Smuggler”: Viewed from the Port Bow looking aft…
B26/ML117 “Smuggler”: Viewed from Starboard Bow looking aft…
B26/117 “Smuggler”… View on Aft Deck, as she remains today.