We brought “Smuggler” back from Wappenbury and housed her in the showroom at Jalsea Marine in Northwich, Cheshire, under the watchful eye of the owner ‘Johnny Allen’ and ‘Norman’ the site security officer, a formidable character! Here began an immense effort to re-build and finish “Smuggler” to what we then believed to be her original form.
A close-pitch between frames coupled with ‘low cross-sectional area’ provides additional strength to a hull by allowing it to torsionally “twist” along its longitudinal axis when moving from forward to reverse - and back again. “Smuggler’s” hull is lightly planked to facilitate this ‘torsional twist’ feature along her central axis. Copper nails through the low profile frame sections are clenched and roved throughout the boat to enable this feature.
“Smuggler” at Jalsea MaRine
Heading Towards Final Completion in the Old Shed
Smuggler’s Massive Engine beds at over 8’ 8” in length…
These engine beds were originally sized to accommodate the original 65-F/10 (70 h.p.) Brooke marine Motor. Boat 26 / 117 was most recently fitted with a Brooke Hundred 40-F/28 (103 h.p.) Marine-motor. An interim 45 h.p. Four Cylinder unit also serviced ML117 for her duration on the Torpedo Range at Loch-long. She was sold by the Admiralty in the Loch-long Area sometime between 1935-1936.
“Smuggler” at Jalsea Marine
View looking Aft;
Henry Meadows Marine Motor in readiness for Electrical Wiring; Floors cut and fitted ready for fixing…
Original items that remain following her extensive restoration are; Keel; Topside Honduras Mahogany planking; Gunwales, Stem-piece; Stern-Post, Port-lights, Cleats, Fairleads, Petrol-filler Caps; Stuffing-box; Propeller / shaft and Stern-tube assembly); Ships-wheel, (complete with Chain, Cables, Runners and Quadrant), and the 28 h.p. Henry Meadows Kittiwake petrol engine (circa 1925) - Now removed.
The pitch between centres of each oak frame is just 4.5” in order to provide sufficient strength to Smuggler’s hull when broaching in heavy seas.
Note: - An effective 'Broaching Characteristic’ is essential to keep the boat on station, especially in a deep swell during ship-to-shore goods and personnel transfers.
Birds Eye View prior to Completion
Engine Fuel Tank for local running only…
Deck Completion
The Henry Meadows 28 h.p. Long-Stroke Kittiwake Marine Motor
This Motor powered “Smuggler” during the 1991 Motor Boat Rally on Lake Windermere
The cross-section of each rubbing band was altered to stop short of the bow to reduce water welling, maintaining longevity of the boat’s hull (both rubbing-bands previously went to the stem). Smuggler’s quarter-badges were similarly modified in section to reduce water-welling.
Bow-shot showing the sleek lines of ML117 “Smuggler” heading towards final completion.
Smuggler as she would have been presented to the Loch Long Torpedo Range at Arrochar - but without Port-lights or Side-Strakes as these would feature sometime later.
It is most likely that Smuggler’s port-lights and side strakes were later additions. On the plane at just Six-knots she is fast and truly a racing boat with her “Brooke 65-F/10” marine motor. However, before she went to the Torpedo Range (1910-1912), she would be carrying no excess “Weight”. Brooke’s only ever built one 32’ boat, the keel for which was laid down in 1910 (i.e. same year as her lumber order). It is believed that “Smuggler” was initially built as an early racing craft without a Cabin (1910-1912), possibly as a test bed for early Brooke racing trials using the 65-F/10 (1910) Marine Motor. Not until contract CP4443/12 came along in 1912 did B26/117 did she have her Low Cabin (three windows to each side) as seen below!
Smuggler in 1991- showing her original Cabin
Admiralty contract placement was on 13th Jan. 1913. Smuggler’s release to Service date was on 24th March 1913, leaving just 50-days (or 10-weeks) to build a brand new wooden (racing) boat!
Peter Hansford considered this scenario “unlikely” as boat ML 117 was already in being. If so, for lightness she may possibly have not carried any side strakes or Port-lights. If the photo of her on the range is anything to go by, her cabin may well have been a later addition.
All-original Bronze fittings are on display, as is her Skylight & Oakum fenders.
”Smuggler’s” plaque was last displayed at the 1991 National Motor-boat Rally on Lake Windermere.
Smuggler in 1991- showing her original Cabin and Henry Meadows Marine Motor…
Nearing Completion at Jalsea Showroom….
Early Rudder Detail
Handmade Skylight…..
Smuggler on the River Weaver in 1991, then powered by her re-built Henry Meadows 28 h.p. Marine Motor.
“ML117 Smuggler” at Jalsea Pool in Northwich, Cheshire (1991)
“Smuggler” was taken to Windermere in 1991 and won two awards A First for the ‘People’s Favourite’, and a second award for ‘Best Pre-War Restoration’ category.
Smuggler is powered today by a Brooke 40-F28/30’ (103 h.p.) ‘Hundred’ Marine-motor of 1928 vintage. This is the replacement to the 65-F/10 Marine Motor.
B26/117 - JPC’s “Smuggler” ready to accept her new “Brook Hundred” Marine Motor
B26/ML117’s 40-F 28/30 Brooke Marine Motor in readiness on Cannon Trolley…
Rob and John Brooke perform ‘Engine Trials’ at Jalsea Pool in 1997 after “Smuggler” had been re-fitted with the only remaining 40-F28/30 Brooke Hundred Marine Motor in Existence.
My trusty crew of helpers at Jalsea Marine - They never let me down (left to right)…. David Brown, Colin Wood and Alec
Rubbing Band under final completion …….
Being Brought out of the shed at Jalsea Marine ready for Engine Trials 1997
Johnny Allen Steadying “Smuggler”!
Seen here with Low Cabin introduced under Admiralty Contract CP-4443/12 (1912) for use on the RN Torpedo Range at Arrochar. Loch Long, Scotland
Alec Steadying the ship…. getting ready to go into Jalsea Pool!
Brooke Engine Trials in Jalsea Pool, Northwich in 1997 with John Brooke
Bulkhead removed to gain access to her new “Hundred” Motor
John Brooke’s “Hundred” Marine Motor finally installed in “Smuggler” and on the Water…
Offering up “JPC’s Smuggler’s” New Trailer…
In Readiness for the Classic Motor Boat Rally at Lake Windermere, 1997
Johnny Allen with Truck and “Smuggler” on Tow on the way to Windermere 1997
Arrival on Lake Windermere
“Smuggler” at ‘BROAD LEYS” WMBRC on Lake Windermere, 1997
Artist Impression of Brooke Boat 26 “ML 117” in 1913. Air-brush painting by David Foden.