Finishing detail of “Smuggler” with topside varnish… with just the Hull to complete!
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View on the “Smuggler’s” bow after using Five coats of varnish, feathering down afterwards using a 150-200 grade carborundum paper and cleaning off with a tack-rag between each coat
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Working from top to bottom is often beneficial to catch drips from above
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Varnishing of ML 117’s Hull with
brass rubbing strip removed…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Port-lights also removed during Varnishing and
re-instated when complete
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Next up are the two hatches…
”Smuggler’s” Engine Hatch is actually in four pieces
NB. On warm Sunny days I often hose down the decks early in the mornings to prevent the deck splitting if out of water
Brooke Boat 26/ML17
Usually I take the hatches off “Smuggler” to gain better access to the Margin Boards…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
A close-up on one of two engine cowls…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View looking abaft showing the Mk. 1 Francis Search-light
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View over the coaming and onto the
Well-Deck and beyond…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Peering down into “Smuggler’s” Well-Deck, showing conical-clutch lever, two Quadrants (1st for the throttle and 2nd one for the choke
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Statistical Information Plate on
top of Engine Air Vent
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Well-deck and Seating arrangement…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Connelly Hide Seating Covers
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View on Helm showing basic Instrumentation… her Compass fits left of Centre with a Switch-Panel internal to the Cabin
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
Helm after Varnishing awaiting
fitment of Throttles
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
… and with Throttles fitted
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View on 40-F/28/30 Marine Motor,
Refurbished to ‘As-New’ condition
Mr. JDM Brooke
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View looking forward onto Main Deck…
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View from Astern showing Port
Petrol filling point
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View from Astern showing Stab’d
Petrol filling point
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View on rear Quarter showing
Petrol Vent
Brooke Boat 26/ML117
View on Aft Deck.
Re-instating “Smuggler’s” quarter badges is not an immediate priority, but together with other possible outstanding items may be worth considering. Other possible outstanding extras are; two mast-stays, a well-deck canvass dodger, a radio and a magnetic compass. Her main fuel tank capacity could also be increased to 80 gallons, using 2 x 40 gallon holding tanks to provide 10 hrs running at 8 galls. / hr.
Brooke Boat 26/ML117 “Smuggler” On Show at ‘Buckler’s Hard’ , Beaulieu