“Smuggler” spent part of her life on the Canal Network detailed below…..
Canal cruising was on the rise in the 1960’s as Photo 127 below testifies, and suspect that Mr Dumbell had a ‘new cabin’ built sometime before 1960. It is presently unknown when the 28 h.p.(long stroke) Henry Meadows “Power Four” Kittiwake petrol engine (Fallings Park Works, Wolverhampton) was originally installed.
The Autherley Boat Club Regatta, Wolverhampton, 1964
Photo 27 - Autherley Boat Club Regatta Plaque.
… now the “Wolverhampton Boat Club”
Photo 46 - The beginning of the building of the Clubhouse. Starting on the 7th November 1965…
After a meeting of 65 Members at The Hartley Arms Wheaton Aston, 11th September 1965 to discuss the building and Financing of the Clubhouse, where Jim Yates and Jack Cresswell guaranteed the funding, later becoming Vice-Presidents Johny Whitehouse of Metal Products Ltd. Willenhall, supplied the Lorry. The Building had been purchased earlier from 'Jury Holloware) at Brierley Hill in April 1965 and stored at the works of Duo-Rubber and Engineering at Alder sley. Here we see George Andrews in the bobble hat, Graham Yardley in those distinctive red boots and Dave Grunbaum in the orange jumper.
Photo 50 - On the lorry Ted Bailey and Bob Garland and then George Andrews who was Clerk of Works.
Dave Grumbaum, Jim Dumbell with the cigarette, Wilf Walton with the tie, Vic Hulme with the Bobble Hat, Tom Davies and Bill (Jock) Allum getting stuck in with others.
Photo 100, 24th September, 1966.
The morning of the opening, notice the swing-bridge with an oil drum on the other end. The boats moored on Towpath North are 'Smuggler’ (Centre right), then owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dumbell, 'Graziella' owned by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davies, 'Shellagh' owned by Tom Kemp and 'Lora'c owned by Graham and Marion Yardley.
Photo 51 - Building erection begun Nov 1965. Jim Dumbell in the hat.
Photo 52 - Wood cladding the outside of the clubhouse. Note treated timbers.
Photo 53 - The drainage pipes for the car park being laid by the Ladies.
Photo 56 - Jim Dumbell, using a mechanised wheel-barrow, and John Shaw on shovel.
Photo 79 - Piling the Moorings outside the Clubhouse. Jimmy Dumbell with the hammer and A.F. Barron (Tony) leaning on the post, with the 'Halletts’ boat moored nearby.
Photo 80 - Externally almost complete . With the entrance to the Clubhouse in the middle and the Bar to the right. The steps were fabricated by George Andrews and Geoff Setchfield.
Photo 83 - Autherley Boat Club name changed to... Wolverhampton Boat Club.
Photo 107 - Arriving at the Wolverhampton Boat Clubhouse, Wolverhampton, 24th September 1966.
Moored on the Towpath are 'Smuggler' (Centre Right) owned by Mr. J Dumbell, 'Graziella',
owned by a Mr. J. Davies, 'Ratty', owned by Bailey Mannion and 'Shelagh' owned by Dr. Tom
Photo 110 - Opening Ceremony on the Hard. With George Andrew at the mic, with Tom Kemp and Dr Pilkington in attendance.
Photo 127
Official Opening Ceremony of Clubhouse, Wolverhampton, 24th September 1966.
Day cruise to chillingham wharfed return with Anthony Gregory on the bows of “Smuggler”
(and her then owner Jimmy Dumbell at the wheel).
Photo 129
Official Opening Ceremony of Clubhouse, Wolverhampton, 24th September 1966.
The Bar at the Clubhouse, with Jimmy and Betty Dumbell (previous owners of “Smuggler”)
Picture 124
Outside, The Band of the Royal Engineers - 48th Division (T.A.) plays on.